lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

Geisha (芸者?)geiko (芸子) or geigi (芸妓) are traditional Japanese female entertainers who act as hostesses and whose skills include performing various arts such as classical music, dance, games and conversation, mainly to entertain male customers.

Geisha (/ˈɡʃə/Japanese: [ɡeːɕa]),[1] like all Japanese nouns, has no distinct singular or plural variants. The word consists of two kanji (gei) meaning "art" and  (sha) meaning "person" or "doer". The most literal translation of geisha into English would be "artist," "performing artist," or "artisan." Another name for geisha is geiko (芸子), which is usually used to refer to geisha from western Japan, which includes Kyoto.

Main Ranks from Lower to Higther

- Shikomi ( The begin as Geisha is usually this , a person who help her sisters to get ready
such as makeup assitance or carry their music instruments ).

-Minarai (The Blooming, young as artist who begin class and practices in their role as stage perfomer)

-Maiko ( Is the classic image of a Geisha, once colorful kimonos the artist is in the top of their carrer)

- Geiko ( reputated and respected with the time of their work, Geiko adopt a younger artist to guide and teach as is the end of their carrer as Geisha.

-Okaasan ( Mother ) Is the elder retired Geisha who runs the Okiya, organize their agenda , the boss of the bussines.

-Obaasan ( grandmother) Normally retired elder Geisha participate as assitant in the preparation of younger artist.


Few second Life residents will be willing to educate you, here is a list of players , you can contact them regarding your education as Geisha- Not sex related guaranteed and tested.

In sim

清子 Kiyoko (xjupiter)

Out of Sim

SAYU  白湯 (empressroslyn.winslet)

Yoneyu 米愉  (sorasu.romano)

Rin 凛  (miyoharu)

Notes from Little Yoshiwara Okiya

     In RL Okiya, there are 5 Ranks: Oka, Geisha, Maiko, Minarai, and Shikomi. This system developed slowly becoming 'traditional' by the early 1800s, as the number of geisha/oiran houses grew. This system replaced an earlier system, where geisha were divided into 3 ranks; Tayu, Hashijoro, and Tsubone.
      These 2 systems were distinguished by social differences and economic imperitives, and is reflected in the behavior of early and later geisha.
      Geisha of the Early Edo Period (c1605-1800), the archetypal geisha that later geishas mimicked, were all high-born. Their skills in dance, the use of musical instruments, art, calligraphy, and the ability to converse with men of high rank on literature and political affairs, points to women raised in literate, high-born families - as were the Shirabyoshi and Miko from whom they drew much of their performance inspiration.
       Early geisha differed in appearance from the later commercial kind of geisha. They wore their hair down (in traditional Heian Period style) or up, however updos were not as formalized as they later became. They did not wear shoes, going about in bare feet, and for this reason were carried to outside appointments, often piggy-back style. Noteably they also avoided wearing too many adornments, which matched their famous disdain for money.
      Nor were Early Edo geisha submissive sex toys or prostitutes. In Yoshiwara the early geisha were beloved by the lower classes for their affrontery and bravado in humiliating egotistical samurai, scheming courtiers, and the rich who thought all things had a price - including geisha. Their performances were often satirical, poking fun at the overblown sense of self importance of the elites.
      These early geisha were...well, righteous. They called a spade 'a spade', and had a high code of personal ethics which they would never let anyone despoil, and the men they fell in love with, were likewise exemplary examples of honour and virtue.
      The Early Edo geisha were slowly replaced by commercial geisha houses, all but disappearing by 1800. In the new houses, girls were sold to them or indentured to become 'geisha'. And this is where the line between where geisha and oiran becomes blurry. The girls sold into these houses were not high-born, but generally the children of lower class families. Unlike earlier geisha, these ones did not have the literacy or social skills to engage a client mentally, or relate to them socially - hence only good as Oiran.
      The 5 rank system that developed, reflects this recruitment of very young commoner children (as young as 5 or 6) to serve in the Okiya. These children, called Shikomi, did menial tasks around the okiya, or accompanied the geisha (oiran) when outdoors. Minari reflect the time when a girl 'came of age' at 13 (12 in the Western system of counting a persons age). At this point a girl would begin her geisha training, later being promote throught the Maiko and Geisha ranks. RL Maiko are also divided into Maiko Ranks based upon experience.
      Most of the schools in SL have adopted this later okiya tradition, and accept it 'because changing it would cause confusion'. The Yoshiwara Okiya geisha group, however, tries to model our geisha upon the Early Edo system of 3 Ranks (in the 1600s). The reasons for this choice are that the early geisha were the archtypal ones (which later ones tried to imitated, and their class background, disdain for base behaviour, and indifference to money, gave a spirit to these women wholly absent from women in later commercial okiya. For this reason, at Yoshiwara Okiya, we model our ways on the early geisha, and not the later ones.
      Tayu, Hashijoro, and Tsubone, roughly equate to Geisha, Maiko, and Minarai in rank (this is not to say Tayu were the same as later Geisha in conduct and dress).

Domo, your Oka.      

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